International Non-Binary People’s Day: Listen to our Crash the CIStem podcast

Non-Binary People’s Day is observed on the 14th July each year and was chosen as it falls exactly between International Women’s day & International Men’s day. The aim of the day is to celebrate and validate the lives and contributions of Non-binary people whilst raising awareness of the struggles and prejudice the community face.


To mark the day, Bianca Hermansen of ISS, who is an LGBT+ in FM member and recently presented our ‘What about the +?’ event, has recorded a special podcast series. In ‘Crash the CIStem’ Bianca is joined by friends Sanne and Frederick for a real conversation where the three share their lived experiences of being non-binary – what it means to them, the challenges of being non-binary in a CIS-normative world and how activists and allies alike can do to make this world a better place for the global non-binary population.


Crash the CIStem is a two-part podcast – please click below to listen and if you have any feedback, we’d love to hear it:


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